Below is a summary of what to expect for your new puppy & kitten wellness visits. We like to have at least 3 Doctor visits, every 3-4 weeks, typically starting around 8 weeks and ending around 16 weeks.

Puppy Wellness Plan:

8-10 week visit:
*Discussion topics: general vaccine protocol, potty training, feeding, parasite information, pet insurance
New Patient Exam
Distemper #1
Bordetella initial
Heartworm & flea/tick preventative

12-14 week visit:
*Discussion topics: microchip, training & behavior, lyme vaccine
Puppy Exam
Distemper #2
Bordetella final
Lepto initial
Fecal (stool sample) check
Heartworm & flea/tick preventative

16-18 week visit:
*Discussion topics: spay/neuter, breed specific information, long term heartworm & flea/tick prevention plan
Puppy Exam
Distemper final (*Must have 3 total distempers, so if breeder/rescue gave one, this is not needed)
Rabies Vaccine
Lepto final
Heartworm & flea/tick preventative

Other vaccines to discuss:
Lyme Vaccine – lyme disease is fairly prevalent in this area, so the Dr. typically recommends this vaccine, especially for puppies.
Influenza – we typically only recommend this if you are going to be taking your dog to a boarding facility, doggy day care or dog park.

Kitten Wellness Plan:

8-10 week visit:
*Discussion topics: general vaccine protocol, feeding, parasite information
New Patient Exam
Feline Distemper #1
Feline Leukemia/Feline Immunodeficiency Virus test

12-14 week visit:
*Discussion topics: microchip, litter box training
Kitten Exam
Feline Distemper #2

16-18 week visit:
*Discussion topic: spay/neuter, dental health, long term wellness protocol
Kitten Exam
Feline Distemper final (*Must have 3 total distempers, so if breeder/rescue gave one, this is not needed)
Rabies Vaccine
Fecal (stool sample) check