The goal and purpose of telemedicine service is to help encourage social distancing by avoiding trips to the clinic as well as avoiding trips to larger urgent care and Veterinary ER facilities that have potential for increased interaction and expense.
Telemedicine service is available for existing clients and patients where a VCPR (veterinary-client-patient-relationship) is in place. For more information regarding VCPR please visit:
If your pet is experiencing respiratory difficulty, seizure lasting more than 5 minutes, profound or progressive weakness or collapse please go directly to veterinary ER center (listings available on website and voicemail).
Cost of Telemedicine Service is $38.
- If it is recommended that urgent or ER care should be pursued there will be no charge for the telemedicine service.
- If a visit to CVC is recommend for treatments or recheck exams your telemedicine consult fee will be either waived or credited to your account as part of the office visit fee depending on situation.
After a request has been received a doctor will review the history and call to discuss further and provide recommendations and a plan.
- We may request dropping off a sample to the clinic, bring your pet to the clinic for tests or treatments (if open), pick up medication, or we may call in prescriptions to a human pharmacy.
If your pet has ingested a medication or supplement or a toxic human food or has other dietary indiscretion, we may recommend calling one of the pet poison control hotlines. These hotlines are a valuable resource for toxicology consultation in relation to what your pet needs for treatment, especially when it comes to human medications and supplements and sugar-free products containing xylitol based on their large databases. We are able to make recommendations for many things, especially chocolate or other common household foods and products.
Two toxicology databases are available:
-; (888) 426-4435
- Note – with a fully activated Home Again microchip this call is free
-; (855) 764-7661